
Condicions generals de venda
Pagament segur amb VISA MASTERCARD – PCI DSS 2


  • You can make the reservation online from this website or do it directly at the Bus Station.

    By booking online in advance, you ensure having your locker with the size you need.

  • Online Reservations: If you make an online reservation, we will send you an email one day before with instructions to validate the reservation.
  • Rent at the Andorra Bus Station: On the screen, choose the size of your locker and follow the payment instructions.
  • Choose a six-digit code and a symbol
  • Open your locker using the code and symbol you have chosen
  • Attention! Once the locker is closed, if you open it again, the rental will finish.


Andorra Bus Station.
Carrer de la Curia, 2, AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra


If you need help or assistance, you can contact us by phone or email:

+ 376 81 74 81


Mobile Locker is an automated service that offers you the possibility to rent Lockers 365 days a year between 1 and 365 calendar days at the bus station in Andorra.

At the Andorra bus station, Mobile Locker offers different sizes of Lockers that will fit surely your needs, check it out in the reservation system.

Online reservations can be made in advance or you can rent your Locker directly at the Andorra bus station.

There is no limit to the number of items you can store in your locker, with the exception of prohibited items. Remember that in Mobile Locker you pay per Locker rented, not per object, so you can enter all the objects that you wish.

All objects whose mere possession or traffic is illegal (such as stolen objects, drugs, pornographic materials or, in any way, degrading to the human being, etc.).

Objects whose possession requires a license, without said license or authorization (such as weapons and/or ammunition).

All types of material that is polluting or dangerous (such as flammable objects or dangerous substances).

Animals of any kind or any other kind of living being.

No food can be inserted into the Lockers, except in the case of packaged food that cannot spill, stain the Lockers or produce odors of any kind in the Mobile Locker premises.

Mobile Locker is not responsible for objects deposited inside the lockers.

You can hire the Lockers rental service for a period of between 1 day and the duration of your stay in Andorra.

The rental service of each Locker will be accessible every day of the week, 365 days a year.

You can access the rented Locker as many times as you want or need during the Locker rental period. Therefore, if you have forgotten something, want to add more bags or need to access your Locker during the rented period, you can do it without problems.

The price per Locker will be the one indicated at the time of contracting, being able to benefit from the offers in force at any time.

The prices that appear include taxes and refer to the rental of a Locker according to the size and duration.

Mobile Locker Lockers are fully automatic. You can make the reservation through our website or directly at the Mobile Locker terminal.

Once the contract is completed, you will receive confirmation of the contract made, the Locker number.

Contact the phone: + 376 81 74 81 (Andorra).

Contact the phone + 376 81 74 81 (Andorra).

In the event of a breakdown, blockage or any other type of incident in the use of the Locker, you have at your disposal the Mobile Locker assistance service, which you can use by calling + 376 81 74 81 (Andorra) or send mail info@mobilelocker.es

Yes, as long as said modification or withdrawal is made 24 hours before the date on which the service I have reserved begins.



Whatever your plan IS, you can leave your luggae safely at the Andorra bus station lockers. Its dimensions are suitable for several suitcases and even for your ski equipment or a bicycle packed for travel.

To make this website we used photos from Anastasia Nelen , de Toa Heftiba y de Anna Sullivani de Freepik – Flaticon



General Terms and Conditions of Web Booking

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